Viel Glück!
Happy Birthday, Sister Schwartz! Vielen Dank für alles, was du für uns machst! Und wir wünschen dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Another transfer has flown by- we have updated the maps and the transfer roster will be ready soon. In the meanwhile, we have another Success Story!
I am so Glad to have found your blog I served in the Leipzig Germany mission from 1999-2001. I have yearned ever since I got home to stay up on on the work in that great land. I took up the challenge to call the missionaries in my area to get a list of all the people they are working with. There were 9 and I started praying for each by name. It gave me such a great feeling and spiritual strength then 3 weeks after I started I met the missionaries and 2 of the people off the list had gotten baptized. now I pray for their temple day. and look forward to calling again to get the newest list. Thanks to your blog I can now pray for investigators in your areas. I would love a follow up on the woman found by Elder Lietsalmi and Elder Pearson in Mannheim,